Individual Funding Request Physiotherapist Name Clinic Name Email Address Region Select the region nearest to you Auckland Bay of Plenty Canterbury Gisborne Hawkes Bay Manawatu Marlborough Nelson Northland Otago Southland Taranaki Waikato Wellington Patient Full Name Patient Email Address Patient Phone Number Cancer Type Breast Bowel Blood Gynae Prostate GI Cancer Kidney Lung Bone Sarcoma Head and Neck Skin Testicular Other Patient Situation Provide a brief background or summary of the patent's situation and why funding support for individual sessions rather than classes is necessary Number of additional sessions requested: Select the number of additional sessions requested 1 2 3 4 I understand that I must wait for funding approval before I commence any additional sessions. I have checked this patient does not have insurance. Applications for additional funding will be reviewed and you will be notified of the outcome via email within 14 days.