Clinic Funding Application Physiotherapist Name Clinic Name Email Address Country Select Country New Zealand Region Select the region nearest to you Auckland Bay of Plenty Canterbury Gisborne Hawkes Bay Manawatu Marlborough Nelson Northland Otago Southland Taranaki Waikato Wellington Please indicate what type of class you are applying for funding for: Select Class Type Next Steps PaddleOn Targeted Class When do you wish to run the class: Select a term Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 What are your planned start and end dates I understand that if funding is approved: I must personally teach the classes I am applying to the PINC & STEEL Foundation for. All participants will need to register online for this class and be given a class voucher On the final class I will encourage each participant to complete the Foundation outcome questionnaire. Applications for class funding will be reviewed by the PINC&STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation Board and you will be notified of the outcome by email within 14 days.